Education Expert for Brand and Creative Agencies
Project-based education strategy help
The Education Market is Unique
There are many nuances to marketing a college or education company. In higher ed, there are a lot of headwinds for an institution due to increased competition for students and changing perceptions of the value of a degree. For education companies marketing to schools or parents, there are high expectations for a brand to prove their knowledge in the space.
Help Your Clients with an Education Industry Expert
At Wise Marketing Strategy, we partner with brand and creative marketing agencies to elevate their work with insights and guidance from a team with 20 years of combined experience working in the education sector. Our founder also has 12 years of account management experience working at top advertising agencies in New York and Boston, so we know how to work quickly and professionally with clients.
Wise Marketing Strategy is a certified woman-owned business in Massachusetts.
Example Projects
We're flexible and nimble in how we work with agencies. Example projects include:
Distilling existing market research to uncover insights for a brand strategy
Brand territories for a brand awareness campaign
Marketing strategy for an integrated advertising campaign
Creative briefs for TV commercials